Road Opener Magick Ceremony
  • Road Opener Magick Ceremony
  • Road Opener Magick Ceremony
  • Road Opener Magick Ceremony

Road Opener Magick Ceremony

Road opener Candle ceremony. This powerful ritual is the first step opening the road and clearing the path for all other energies to work in harmony with your intentions. By uncrossing your energy and drawing in positive vibrations, you can amplify your manifestations.

To ignite the power of the Uncrossing Road Opener Candle, I will inscribe your name and date of birth on a gray or reversal candle, anointed with a special blend of oils, herbs, and flowers that aid in removing negative energies and influences from your life.

To amplify the power of this ritual, I encourage you to send me a short description of what you wish to manifest. I will write it out and place it under the candle to infuse it with your intentions.

To ensure the best results, it is important that you do your part. Keep your vibrations high and your energy positive, and do not wait, worry, think, or talk about the outcome. Trust in the power of the Road opening ceremony and allow the energy to flow freely toward you.

* PLEASE NOTE THIS RITUAL INVOLVES ANIMAL SACRIFICE usually a chicken or a goat depending on the issue.

* You must do your part for best results. PLEASE READ BELOW!
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In order for the universe to deliver, You must do your part, and never quiver. Keep your vibrations high, and positive too, Let the energy flow, and come to you. The path must be clear, for your wishes to arrive, So let go of worry, doubt, and strive. Do not think or talk, about what may be, It will only create, a blockage you'll see. Trust the process, and just know it is done! For your intentions, will come to fruition, If you maintain a positive disposition. So take the first step, and let it unfold, The universe is waiting, let the magic take hold.

Once you place your order, email me the names and information about the people you wish to silence.

Please be aware that this is a very powerful and sacred service, and it requires your active participation and visualization. Therefore, I invite you to spiritually cleanse yourself, clear your mind of doubts and fears, and focus your intention on the desired outcome. Visualize that your prayers have already been granted, and feel the joy and gratitude that comes with this realization.

Finally, please allow at least 14 working days for me to send you a proof of work picture via email, so that you can witness the power of your intention in action.

May this ceremony bring you peace! And so it is.

Included in the price

  • Blessed candles
  • Herbs & Oils
  • Petition paper
  • Flowers
  • Animal

Remember to include your intention at check out keep it short so I can write a petition for the burning ceremony . It’s  best to focus on 1 intention for each candle ie If you are petitioning for money  and return to sender bad energy or evil eye, these are 2 very different energies and I suggest getting 2 prayers for each intention but it’s up to you.


********** Please allow at least 14 WORKING days AFTER the ceremony date, for proof of work picture to be emailed to you ****************


This ceremony is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical, financial, or legal advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.This ceremony is not intended to constitute financial advice. You should not rely on any information contained herein to make financial decisions. You should consult with a financial professional before making any financial decisions. The content on this website is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship, financial advisor-client relationship, or physician-patient relationship. Any reliance on the information provided on this website is solely at your own risk and discretion.